Enterprice email hosting

Explore Our Business Email Hosting Plans for Seamless Communication Solutions

Starter Plan

1 Month Plan

Total: $0.52

Business Plan

3 Month Plan

Total: $1.45

Professional Plan

6 Month Plan

Total: $2.65

Premium Plan

12 Month Plan

Total: $4.65

Product FAQs

Business Email Hosting is a service that provides a professional and secure email solution for businesses. It typically includes custom email addresses with the business domain, advanced security features, collaboration tools, and reliable support.

Your business email data's security is our top priority. We implement robust security measures, including advanced encryption protocols and regular security audits, ensuring that your sensitive information is safeguarded against potential threats. Trust us for a secure and protected communication environment.s

Yes, our enterprise email hosting guarantees mobile accessibility, allowing you to stay connected and manage your crucial communications securely while on the move. Experience seamless productivity anytime, anywhere.

If you exceed your storage limit, we offer seamless scalability. Easily upgrade your storage as your business grows, ensuring uninterrupted access to your emails and data.

Certainly! Yes, our email hosting supports effortless integration with a variety of third-party apps. Enhance your workflow and productivity by seamlessly connecting your preferred tools for a tailored business experience.

Absolutely! We perform daily backups to ensure your data's security. In the rare event of data loss, our quick restoration process minimizes downtime, ensuring your business continuity.

Yes, our Business Email Hosting may include collaboration tools such as calendars, contacts, and shared document storage. These features facilitate seamless collaboration among team members.